Update on Solomons project

Our Solomons project in Noro, appears to have started a very active group of sewers who are keen to do more. Dianne Catto, of Mackay has been up to Noro since we were there and we gave her fabric and accessories so they could make a further 25 Days for Girls Kits. Wendy Flahive has made an application for an AusAid grant to fund another trip next year to expand this sewing group and supply them with more machines and equipment. This trip is planned to coincide with International Women’s Day in March 2019. We will have more information about this later on.
Photos show the team of Vera, Tony, Gill and Wendy decked out in all the colourful outfits the ladies kindly made for us; and Vera and Tony dressed up ready to tour the Tuna Factory. The Soltuna factory is the only large employer in Noro, and they are very supportive of our sewing group.

Team at Noro Solomons low res 2 (2)

Vera and Tony ready to inspect Soltuna factory